CONNECT with Sheila Botelho Podcast

The Art of Building Networks That Cultivate Personal and Professional Growth - Episode 389

Sheila Botelho

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When it comes to expanding in different areas of your life, whether it’s in personal or professional arenas, there’s a key ingredient that makes all the difference: Who you’re connecting with.

Today’s minisode is all about what’s involved with stepping into new rooms to create and cultivate community for your vision.

**There’s still time – Listen to the special 3-day Free workshop with my friend and Money Mentor, Kate Northrup. here.

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What new area in your life do you want to grow into and, as a result, what rooms do you need to be stepping into in order to help you get there faster? Hi, welcome to the Connect with Sheila Vitello podcast. I'm a self-care strategist, entrepreneur and creator of the Season Self-Care app. I'm committed to helping you reconnect to your purpose, get healthy and build your version of a happy, successful life. You're listening and watching a Monday Minisode where I share an insight designed to help you live into what lights you up this week. What's on my mind today? It's all about relationships and community, and the importance of surrounding yourself with people who are not only lifting you up, but people who you feel inspired to also lift up and champion in the goals that they have.


If you're listening to this podcast, you are wanting to do what I mentioned earlier. You're reconnecting to your purpose. You're wanting to create a life that you love and move into, maybe areas that you've never been before, and so would you agree that, as you do that, you're going to need to learn some new skills, some new ways of being, because you've come to this place in your life with a level of understanding, knowledge, experience that has brought you here and now to move to next levels and experiences, to step into new rooms, to be with new people and to increase the level of income you have perhaps, or your reach, your influence. It's going to involve some new sets of skills and some new ideas to help you move into that, and so one of the ways I have found that has been the most powerful has been to connect with people who are doing things on a different level than me. It's like getting yourself into rooms with experts, getting yourself into rooms with people who've done things that you've never done before, and you'll be surprised at how quickly you start to learn new skills by osmosis, by being around these people and maybe even also realizing there's some things you really don't need to learn. You can appreciate that other people are doing, and as you do that, you're building connection, you're building community, and celebrating the success of other people goes a long way for you also to start stepping into your own version of success. It's something that has been a lifelong passion of mine to really celebrate people who are doing interesting things, even if they're not things that I personally would want to do.


I have such a great deal of respect for people who are challenging themselves and who are wanting to do philanthropic things and helping people and lifting up other people and bringing optimism. And if you've ever heard of the book Grit or is the book? Yeah, there's a book on grit, anyway, and there was a study done and it says that one of the key determining factors of grit is something I hold so dear and it made me so happy to see this. It is optimism, the hope that what you're doing every single day and you get up and you do that thing and you go to sleep and you wake up and you do it again, you take those steps that that thing is actually going to make a difference. That's optimism and that is what creates businesses that do amazing things, that is what creates new inventions, that is what moves people forward into new areas of their own genius that they didn't even know existed. And one of the things I love about being in the entrepreneurial community and with people who are philanthropists and who have this heart to give and to serve and to lead, is that they have this optimism, and so you don't feel like you're living and working in a silo when you're in community with these people. So I invite you to look at your current network, love on them, be grateful for the people in your life. And also, I challenge you to take a step into a new arena, into a new room. Meet someone new just one new person this week perhaps and see what you can learn from each other. See what you can learn from them, and also see how you can be a blessing to them in some way, encouraging them, promoting their work, if you believe that it's powerful.


We live in a time where it's very, very easy to do this now, because we have this thing called social media and we have this thing called cell phones and we can actually connect with people like that. And so think about what new area in your life do you want to grow into and, as a result, what rooms do you need to be stepping into in order to help you get there faster? I leave that with you, and one thing I'm really excited about is the Seasons Collective is a place that I've curated that is for exactly that purpose to be bringing people of maybe like mind, but not necessarily like business, in order to come together, grow together, inspire each other, lift each other up, pull each other forward into new levels, connect with other new people in their own lives, build and grow their network. It is a beautiful thing that happens when we do this together, and that is what the Seasons Collective is all about, of course, with many other resources and ways to grow your business, to get really, really healthy and to be building it in such a way where you feel good, where pleasure is at the center, where it's not about hustle culture and pushing, pushing, pushing. Where it is truly about doing the work that is on your heart to do and feeling good while you're doing it because it is possible. Thank you so much for listening. I hope that you share this video. If you felt it was helpful to you, tag your girlfriend and let me know how this landed for you. You can always DM me over here on Instagram, on LinkedIn, wherever you may have found this on YouTube Now the podcast is.


My RSS feed is up there, so all of my connect with Sheila Botello podcasts are on YouTube now, so go check it out. I'm celebrating. They're just audios right now. We're looking at a video podcast to come. We shall see when that happens, so stay tuned. Make sure that you like and subscribe and actually get notifications so that you know when new episodes come out. I so appreciate you listening. Have a beautiful rest of your week, big blessings, bye.