CONNECT with Sheila Botelho Podcast

Facing Fears & Seizing Opportunities - Episode 383

April 08, 2024 Sheila Botelho
CONNECT with Sheila Botelho Podcast
Facing Fears & Seizing Opportunities - Episode 383
Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Today we’re talking about a principle that has guided me through uncertainties and towards immense growth. I share a story of how getting clear on my vision and saying yes to the right opportunities, even when they scared me, helped me step into a newfound area of power. 

Others may not understand what you’re putting all your energy and focus into. That’s because they have their own life’s work to do. 

Today’s minisode speaks to the brave journey of facing fears and embracing change as you build your life’s vision. 

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PS: Thanks so much for listening. I would love your review! If you enjoy what I share in this episode, rate, Review & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

What opportunity is knocking at your door, begging for a yes, but you're hesitating? Deep inside of yourself, you know that it’s for you. Trust yourself. Maybe, just maybe, this is the leap you need to take.


Hi! Welcome to The Connect with Sheila Botelho Podcast. I’m an entrepreneur, self care strategist and creator of the Seasons Self Care App. I’m committed to helping you reconnect to your purpose, elevate your wellbeing, and build your version of a happy, successful life. 

You’re listening to a Monday Minisode where I share an insight designed to help you live into what lights you up this week!



Today, I want to share a mantra that has personally transformed the way I approach my ambitions, my fears, and ultimately, my success. It's about the liberating power of always being ready to walk away.

You see, a while back, I was at this crossroads, not quite sure of the exact path my journey should take. But I knew one thing for sure—I needed to get crystal clear on what I wanted my life to look like. It was more about the essence than the specifics. I didn't have all the answers, but I was open to what life had to offer.

And then, like magic, opportunities started to fall right into my lap. Opportunities that were equally exciting and terrifying. But here's the kicker—I said yes to them. Not because I was fearless, but because I knew I could always change my mind. I could always walk away.

This mindset, this power to walk away, gave me the confidence to face my fears head-on. And let's be real, we're all scared. Of failure, of the unknown, of not being enough. But it's through embracing these fears, stepping into them with a heart full of courage, that we truly grow.

But something to remember is: You can always walk away. 

Now, I want to caveat this with something.

I’ve noticed a trend in recent years where people can be almost wishy-washy. Diving into something and then backing out at the last minute, making a commitment and then, you know, stepping away from it without any warning. 

In our lives and every decision we make, it is all about our character. What are we presenting to the world? 

So that is the caveat. Yes, you can walk away. Certainly, there are always opportunities when you really, really feel like this is just not in alignment at all. It's not what I thought it would be, et cetera. Of course, you need to honor your soul. 

However, do your due diligence before you're making commitments and stepping into them, so that you don't need to turn your back immediately. You actually can commit to the decision that you made. 

Because sometimes that feeling of wanting to walk away, is connected to that fear of needing to grow, of not being like you're capable, to move forward and do the thing that you thought you could do. 

Sometimes we just need to step over that threshold of fear into the next phase of growth. You need to be ready to surprise yourself with how amazing you are. 

Because truly, by saying yes, by daring to step into new realms of power that I didn't even know existed. I found myself achieving and surpassing the vision I had for my life.

Let's rewind a bit to a moment that really tested my resolve and taught me a vital lesson about staying true to who I am and the mission I've set for myself. Picture this: everything in my business was aligned—my vision, the clients I was dedicated to serving, and the path I had painstakingly carved out. It was clear, focused, and undeniably me.

Then, out of the blue, an opportunity landed in front of me. On paper, it was the kind of offer that would be crazy to turn down. It promised growth, exposure, and potentially, a substantial uptick in my bottom line. But here's the thing—it just didn't sit right with me. Pursuing this opportunity would have meant veering off the path I was so committed to, diluting my brand's message, and ultimately, confusing the community I had worked so hard to build and nurture.

It was shiny, tempting, and oh-so-alluring, but deep down, I knew it wasn't for me. The perceived benefits couldn't sway me because I understood something fundamental: knowing who you are and what you stand for is your greatest strength. This wasn't about fear of the new or unknown; it was about integrity and alignment.

Choosing to walk away from that offer was a defining moment for me. It reinforced the power of staying true to my vision and the specific clients I want to serve. It taught me that sometimes, the best opportunities are the ones you say no to. Because in the end, staying faithful to your brand and your community is paramount.

This experience showed me that not every glittering opportunity will lead you where you need to go. Sometimes, the strength lies in saying no, in recognizing that walking away may very well be the best move for you. It's about leaning into that inner knowledge of who you are and what you're here to do. It's a powerful reminder that in a world full of possibilities, staying true to your path is the bravest choice you can make.

So, what about you? What opportunity is knocking at your door, begging for a yes, but you're hesitating? Remember, the beauty of it all is that you can always walk away. Deep inside of yourself, you know that it’s for you. Trust yourself. Maybe, just maybe, this is the leap you need to take. 

Over the years I’ve found it helpful to surround myself with others on a growth journey. While it’s looked different over time, the essence is the same.  I’ve created a community for women like you, who are intent on expanding their missions, not in isolation, but surrounded by souls who are on similar paths. It's about growing individually and together, celebrating wins, supporting through challenges, and stepping into fear as a united force.

In the Seasons Collective, you're held accountable for the dreams you dare to voice. It's a space where pivoting is met with grace and insights, where your light is not just seen but celebrated, and your ambition is never a cause for apology. Here, you are whole, you are held, and your courage is not just recognized; it's applauded.

Join us as we hold each other up, explore our fears, and step into our power, together. Until next time, keep shining, keep striving, and remember, you're never alone on this journey.


Thanks for listening. 

If you got something valuable from this episode, tag me on social media because I love to shout out the messages you tag me in! It means the world to me that you listen to these episodes and when you rate, review or share, it helps spread the message of going for your version of a life of more, to those who need the encouragement. 

I appreciate you - have a beautiful rest of your week - Big Blessings!

Power of Walking Away in Opportunities
Social Media Engagement and Appreciation