CONNECT with Sheila Botelho Podcast

Unlocking Time: More Hours, More Life - Episode 382

April 03, 2024 Sheila Botelho
CONNECT with Sheila Botelho Podcast
Unlocking Time: More Hours, More Life - Episode 382
Show Notes Transcript

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Today’s podcast is dedicated to exploring the intersections of work, life, and personal growth. 

We’re talking about:

  • The art of prioritizing & living intentionally. 
  • How to navigate the complexities a bustling career while nurturing relationships 
  • Ways to strategically plan to create a state of flow and fulfillment.
  • How celebrating your achievements creates space for new opportunities 

Whether you're a globe-trotter balancing a packed schedule or someone seeking harmony in daily routines, this show offers insights, strategies, and stories to help you craft a life filled with purpose, joy, and balance.

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PS: Thanks so much for listening. I would love your review! If you enjoy what I share in this episode, rate, Review & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

Sometimes you miss out on the joy of the moment, and later you look back and think, “Did I enjoy any of it?” So think about that as you move forward and know that it gets to look how you want it to.


Hi! Welcome to The Connect with Sheila Botelho Podcast. I’m an entrepreneur, self care strategist and creator of the Seasons Self Care App. I’m committed to helping you reconnect to your purpose, elevate your wellbeing, and build your version of a happy, successful life. 

Happy Equinox season! I’m finding this an optimal time to reflect on the first quarter of the year, not only in business, but personally. Today, I wanted to let you in on some thoughts I’ve been having - perhaps they can be helpful for you if you’re in a similar season of reflection and recalibration.

With all the traveling I’ve been doing over the last year, I’ve really had to get good at prioritizing everything—my life, projects, work, and time with my love, not to mention staying on top of my own self-care practice. 

There have been numerous times where it’s felt like a lot, and I’ve had to ask myself, “What do I need to let go of?” This question, as it turns out, is really valuable to ask yourself at times.

However, I find myself getting better and better at planning out my time and having regular check-ins with myself. Often, this happens during one of my Saturday solo work sessions where I go off to a coffee shop on my own. I evaluate my week, where I’m at on various projects, and clients I’m working with, and where I wanna go next. This is where it becomes very clear, usually, that I have packed a lot into a short amount of time.

So, I’m getting better at planning further into the future with the help of a lot of automation and special tools that I’ve become aware of this past year, thanks to some beautiful people in my life who thrive in this area of always knowing what’s coming down the technological pike. I’ve saved myself a lot of time. Things that used to take me a lot of time to figure out and brainstorm are much easier using some of these tools. Also, batching the various tasks that I have into specific time frames has been a game-changer.

I’ve always been a batch person when it came to my podcast episodes and some other elements of business. However, it’s been hard to stay on top of other things like social media presence and content creation. So, I’m really thrilled that this is starting to get dialed in this year.

I had this moment recently where I had a really full week, but before the week began, I decided I was going to organize my time so that I had a really big chunk of time on Friday available and open with nothing going on. This has not happened for me in a long time. Every hour of my day is typically spoken for, and even when I was home educating my boys, that was the case because it was shifting from educating to content creation to connection to interviewing to reaching out to clients to family to meal preparation to workout. It was some. Now that I look at it, I see how much I was able to accomplish, and I am celebrating that. And I also see how, thankfully, those were seasons of time where I was able to create some space inside of it all, but there were times it felt like a lot. I just knew that I needed to be doing those things at the time.

So, I realize, as I was looking back recently, just how amazing that was and how far I’ve come with being able to honor my time and be able to make strides and still feel grounded in the process. What has happened as a result? Really aligned connections and relationships have begun to form. Opportunities have come my way that I didn’t used to have space for. But now, because I am really dialing in my system and structure, I’ve created more space for the right opportunities to land and also for the time to be able to reflect and rest and really be clear on whether any opportunities landing are the correct ones. That’s huge.

So, I wanted to share this as an example of how through the ebbs and flows of our life, we do have a say in how we go about expanding and also knowing when to slow down. Even though the last bunch of years were really full, I want to caveat that by saying I also really prioritized time with family and time out in nature on my walks and really bedtimes. There have been times in the past year and a half where I haven’t always had really good bedtimes, and I’ve maybe stayed up a little later and gotten up a little earlier, and it was because I knew I wanted to capitalize on what was coming through me. Then, I would always make up for it the next day. If I had a day with less rest, I would make up for it the next day. This is not something that I typically like to practice, and I definitely don’t recommend it. There are just times where your brain is just firing, the inspiration is there, and you just gotta run with it. And when you take care of yourself regularly, when self-care is dialed in so beautifully and supported in other areas of your life, and you have healthy practices and you usually have really healthy sleep, you can handle a day here or a day there that is not as normal.

Like, you’ll find that when you’re traveling sometimes, right? A travel day may be super long. One of my friends was traveling; it took her 20 hours to get to a place, the destination where we met. And, you know, the question is, how long do you want to take to get somewhere? Sometimes you just gotta take the long flight, and it’ll all be fine.

So, as you’re planning out your own expansion, or if you have been expanding and now you’re in a place where you wanna really build in more rest, I really invite you to celebrate how far you’ve come. It’s something I’ll keep inviting you to do because I don’t think we do it enough. I think too often, we really focus on what is lacking, what didn’t go well, what we messed up, what's still on the to-do list, what we haven’t finished yet, and these are all things that just slow us down. They take away from our energy and magnetism because then we’re walking around with a lack mindset when, really, we’re accomplishing more now than ever before humanly possible. Take that in for a moment. The things that we can do, the productivity that we're able to turn out in this era, is incredible.

So now, it’s more about being selective with the things we’re focusing on. Is it really worth your time? Can someone else do it? Can it be automated? Can you set up systems to save your time? Can you organize your schedule in a way where you're in such flow that everything is moving more smoothly, and you do open up more spaciousness?

When I was recently in Miami, it was a fairly short trip. It was like five days, and I was away from my regular routine. And I think about all that happened during that time, the people I met, and the places I went, the things I did, the conversations I had. It felt like it was 10 days, but it was only five. 

So, isn’t that interesting? They call it time bending, but there are days and weeks where weeks where I feel like, in four days, they flew, and I didn’t do anything. I didn’t get anything done. Like, do you ever feel that way? It’s interesting. So look at the times where you felt like time bending were time to seem to go on and on. It was a long, luscious, beautiful day, and you felt good. 

See where you can re-create that in your life. It could be from doing some of these things I just mentioned, like batching and organizing your schedule differently. And maybe part of it also is really planning out over a season, over three months, instead of trying to get everything done in two weeks, which may or may not be realistic. If you spread it out and you have more spaciousness, you’re not in a race. 

This is your life; this is your life work; this is your purpose. So be stepping into it in such a way where you are feeling good because I found when we chase after things with a relentless kind of urgency like that, that you’re gonna miss out on some kind of urgency. 

Sometimes you miss out on the joy of the moment, and later you look back and think, “Did I enjoy any of it?” So think about that as you move forward and know that it gets to look how you want it to. So I invite you to get quiet, spend some time alone with yourself, and really imagine, what do you want your whole life to feel like? What do you want this month to feel like? What do you want your days to feel like? And how can you tweak a few things? It may feel impossible to change anything, but you really do have some wiggle room.

If you feel like having support to lovingly hold you to the priorities that you set, or you're looking to deepen your self-care practice, enhance your productivity without the burnout, or simply find more joy in the everyday, the Seasons Collective is here to guide and uplift you.

This online community is a sanctuary for those of us seeking to harmonize our ambitious goals with the rhythm of our personal well-being. Inside, you'll find resources, support, and a community of like-minded individuals all striving to craft lives that resonate with purpose and joy, while building wildly profitable businesses. 

Join us as we journey together, creating space for abundance in all areas of our lives, without the overwhelm. Check out the link in the show notes for more information and to become part of our growing family.

As we navigate the vast landscape of our lives, remember, it's not just about the destination but the richness of the journey. Keep honoring your time, embracing your growth, and cherishing the quiet moments of reflection. Here's to you, making an impact in the world and nurturing your well-being along the way. You're not just doing great; you're inspiring greatness. See you on the next episode. Big blessings.