CONNECT with Sheila Botelho Podcast

My Money-Making Morning Routine: Part 1 - Episode 258

Sheila Botelho

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Do you feel like you’re running in circles after your goals, while fighting against your energy levels? 

Does what you want this year to look like feel like it’s fading as your old patterns keep surfacing?

In this minisode, I share some subtle, but powerful shifts I’ve made that are elevating my impact and revenue.

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PS: Thanks so much for listening. I would love your review! If you enjoy what I share in this episode, rate, Review & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

Do you feel like you’re running in circles after your goals, while fighting against your energy levels? 

Does what you want this year to look like feel like it’s fading as your old patterns keep surfacing?

In this minisode, I share some subtle, but powerful shifts I’ve made that are elevating my impact and revenue.

Hi! Welcome to The Connect with Sheila Botelho Podcast. I’m an entrepreneur, health coach, mom of two teenage boys, mentor and creator of the Seasons Self Care App. I’m committed to helping you connect to your purpose, elevate your wellbeing, and build your version of a happy, successful life. 

You’re listening to a Monday Minisode where I share an insight designed to help you live into what lights you up this week!

Today’s topic is a fun one! 

A listener question came in recently about productivity from Ali. She asked “You seem to do a lot and your energy always seems so high. I eat well, exercise and get enough sleep, but when it comes to fitting all I want to do into a day, there never feels like there’s enough time. I often feel pulled in a thousand directions and while I do a lot of activity in a day, I’m not making the progress that I want. Actually, I feel like I’m going backwards a lot of the time.

How can I stay consistent with my self care while moving my business forward to serve more people? I really want 2023 to be different and start achieving my goals. Thanks Sheila.”

The nature of this question deserves a 2 part response, since this is a minisode and since I want to give you time to allow this all to sink in & start practicing it. So I’m staring by sharing the principles I followed to set my morning routine. Then you’ll get to practice it. Next week, I’ll share how my morning routine started, how it’s evolved, and the inner and outer results I’ve experienced that have led to more joy and more revenue.

Let’s dive in:

1/ Power of a morning routine

-Grounds you

-Feels good

-Because your nervous system likes predictability

-This leads to a more relaxed energy

-Sets your energy up for the day

-Value of habits

-We’re on autopilot most of the day - teeth brushing, eating, coffee, driving

-Good habits challenging to form, easy to break (unless in ecosystem)

-Bad habits, easy to form, challenging to break (ecosystem still applies)

2/ Your body vs. your mind

-Start with your mind

-tune in, meditate/pray, visualize

-recalibrate to your truest desires before the world speaks into you

-projections: fears, doubts, old stories

-Connect your inner energy to your outer expression

-move your body

-elevate the good-feeling chemicals

-bounce, exercise, dance, sing, walk, earth, get in nature, cleanse/soak
-start with hydration and alkalinity, lemon water, greens

This week, here’s your homework:

-Grab a journal, write your intentions for the week with results you’re aiming for

-Decide on a morning practice - Commit to it for the next 7 days

-Include at least 1 mind/soul practice you’ll do every morning

-Include at least 1 physical practice you’ll do every morning 

 (bonus points if you do it at night as well)

-Journal your thoughts

-Join me next week to hear about my morning rituals and results that are lighting me up in the best way!

As I mentioned, the human ecosystem you live in - those relationships, and connections you make each day, has a major impact on which of your habits stick. 

You may have an incredible squad of cheerleaders in your life. If so - Celebrate that & embrace it! More please!

You may feel all alone in creating the life you most want. I’m sending encouragement your way. It’s not easy, but I promise it’s worth it to go after the life of more that you envision.

And - you don’t have to go it alone.

I created The Seasons Collective for you. It’s a place for you to step into the next phase of your life or business evolution in a community that places a high value on personal growth, connection and making a positive impact in the world, without burning out.

A place where you can ideate, collaborate into your next steps. An ecosystem where you can celebrate the moves, micro or macro, that you’re making. 

It’s for the woman who owns her worth and who wants to serve from a place of overflowing energy and wellbeing. Her impact is amplified by the way she nourishes herself body, mind, and soul.

The space I’m curating is one where truly - together, everyone gets to rise. And it’s so much more fun.

To learn about how you can be a part of this community, go to the link in the show notes for the details. I’d love to see you in there.

Thanks for listening today. 

If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review at Apple Podcasts and share it with a friend. It means so much that you listen to these episodes and when you rate, review or share, it helps the message of connecting people to the life of more they desire.

I hope you have a beautiful week!

Big Blessings.